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Utilizing Momentum & Inertia In Your Campaigns

Two of the most fundamentally important ideas in marketing, right up there with exposure and consistency, are the momentum and inertia of a campaign. Typically, these two ideas are classified as physics concepts. However, when the concepts are applied together in marketing, they become a powerful, driving, force for your brand and the prospect's perception of your company.

Consider this: You have a fundamentally, important, event--something, you know, will bring massive value to your customers. In order for your event to be successful, you need to maximize attendance and participation. To achieve this goal, you will need a promotional campaign. Utilize the concepts of momentum and inertia, and plan ahead. Many companies want to run their advertising channels full force--or worse yet, they make the mistake of introducing a front-loaded campaign. Let's face it, even with massive advertising and promotional budgets, this is not the most effective use of your marketing dollars. Instead of blasting your campaign full force and draining your resources before you need them most, allow your campaign to evolve and grow. By building momentum, your content appears more intelligent. A company on full-blast with the same collateral, all of the time, is numbing. In addition, a front-loaded campaign doesn't focus enough on the close. There should be a natural ebb and flow to your content--an evolution in stages, building to the next level. This is not to say that you should ever let off the gas--quite the opposite. Use your campaigns effectively. Create inertia--allow for an overlap of content. Every campaign should reinforce the last with a focused theme and goal.

At a high level, creating a plan that incorporates momentum and inertia is straight forward. Start smaller and quietly. Save your resources for the most critical portion of the campaign--the close. This subconsciously, plants the seed in your customer's mind. Ideally, as you get closer to the event or target, you increase the frequency--channeling your utilization and your brand volume. This continues to build, until you hit a crescendo--typically, the event. At this point, your stage is set to throw everything you have at your campaign. Once the campaign is done, maximize the leverage of content obtained throughout the process. Your next campaign will overlap its quiet phase while tapering off your most recent campaign.

When you build momentum in a campaign, you show that your company is growing. Growing companies have the perception of a healthy sales pipeline. If your company has a healthy pipeline, it shows social proof that other companies and customers trust you. Social proof is an incredibly powerful converter for your customers. It shows that you know leverage and are able to take a project to the next level, naturally. The psychological effect of momentum and inertia campaigns is that it creates anticipation and excitement--building to something much larger. When you hit peak volume, your prospect can't ignore you because they are invested in the story. The effect of the inertia in a marketing strategy, requires exponentially, more force to slow your campaign through external forces outside of your control. Thus creating, an unstoppable force leading the industry.

As you can see, although the concept sounds simple, it has profound effects on the thought process of a customer and ultimately, the effectiveness of your campaigns. If you utilize this strategy when planning your next campaign, chances are, your event will have greater energy and attendance. Contact Nesbit Marketing to learn more about utilizing momentum and inertia in your marketing strategies.


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